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Strathisla (30 years)
Strathisla distillery is the oldest continuously operating distillery in Scotland. It was founded as the Milltown Distillery by George Taylor in 1789 as an alternative to the waning of flax dressing industry. He leased the land from the Earl of Seafield. By 1830, the distillery was owned by William Longmore, later William Longmore Ltd. In 1879, the distillery suffered terribly from a fire, but was rebuilt with a bottling plant. Bought in 1940 by Jay Pomeroy, a fraudulent financier, it was later acquired in 1942 by James Barclay of Chivas Bros.


The Bromhill Spring. The reservoir which holds the destillery's water supply is said to be visited by the "water kelpies" which could account for its special flavour.


Jakob Meget flot farve, duft af æble og vanille, udefinérbar forsmag, sødlig, fantastisk eftersmag af æble og vanille, meget unik
Jacob No Comments
Andreas First choice!
Laust No Comments
Troels Et positivt bekendtskab, 30 år er bedre end 12! Fantastisk vanille.
Michael "If you're standing on a crossroad, that you cannot comprehend...."Strathisla!""
Brian Smukt som et stjerneskud, i den forkerte indpakning
Steen Forudsigelig konsistent og fremragende whisky